Our funding and contributions are in form of talent, professional assistance and items needed for the movement to progress.
About Us
"One early morning in April 2020 in silence I asked how can I help Africa. The idea came to me to create a group and invite concerned Africans and the diaspora to contribute their ideas to unite Africa so we Africans can develop our economy because until Africa matters no black man or black woman worldwide matters. In a hurry I acted according to my instincts".. Ike Sherdrack, Founder
- To encourage the diaspora’s reclamation of their birthright and reconnection to their heritage
- To build in Africa, factories, and industries for manufacturing using African raw materials
- To reconnect the diaspora to Africa and advocate for dual citizenship
- To support the diaspora who are financially unstable but are willing and interested in living in Africa
- To promote made in Africa products for export worldwide, and create a Made-in-Africa brand
- To unify Africa through free trade within Africa countries
- To reprogram the African mindset
- To build a state of the art infrastructure for health, education, transportation. .To promote building and manufacturing in Africa
- To advocate for the African constitution that enforces and ensures equality among black people and the freedom and safety for all black citizens
The Pan African Rising Movement (PANARMRISING) MISSION is to accelerate the growth of the African economy by utilizing commerce and collaborative projects with the African diaspora and Africa. PANARMRISING is a black business resource community and market place where black people are empowered to invest, create opportunities, offer support, and promote awareness of black enterprises..
Our DUTY is to educate all Africans on the importance of One Africa without boundaries, and to end the Divide and Rule Policy of the West. The youth has a big part to play in this process because they are the future leaders. Our aim is to reach schools, colleges and universities. Furthermore, our fathers and mothers in towns and villages are to be educated in uniting Africa.
Meet The Team
We have a dedicated team who are committed to our goal